Archive for the ‘educație permanentă’ Category

Google launches online ‘Cultural Institute’ chronicling 20th century

Google launches online ‘Cultural Institute’ chronicling 20th century

Google on Wednesday launched its online ‘Cultural Institute’, a digital visual archive of landmark 20th century events and personalities, created in cooperation with 17 museums and institutes from across the globe.

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Brainstorming electronic

Brainstormingul electronic este o formă de brainstorming asistat de software de sisteme-suport al grupurilor (sau GSS) care permit participanților să răspundă deodată și în mod anonim. Termenul „Sistem-suport al grupurilor” (GSS) este sinonim cu „Sistem de miting electronic” (EMS)(electronic meeting system).

O sesiune de brainstorming asistat de GSS se poate desfășura într-o încăpere dotată cu o rețea de terminale de calculator. Participanții sunt amplasați la terminale și răspund la întrebările puse de moderator, care rulează software-ul GSS. Software-ul GSS colectează răspunsurile participanților și le proiectează pe un ecran mare din încăpere sau pe monitoarele participanților. Observarea răspunsurilor de către toți participanții stimulează exprimarea altor idei și încurajează continuarea discuțiilor. GSS poate facilita activități la mai multe locații simultan (de exemplu, prin videoconferințe) și poate coordona grupuri de dimensiuni mari, de câteva sute de participanți. Există numeroase dovezi că brainstormingul electronic este mai performant decât brainstormingul tradițional, în ceea ce privește productivitatea și generarea de idei unice. Această tehnică de creativitate a fost folosită, în particular, la dezvoltarea de produse, însă poate fi aplicată într-o serie de domenii în care este utilă colectarea și evaluarea ideilor.

Udacity reprezintă cea mai nouă încercare de a face educaţia de calitate accesibilă tuturor.  Proiectul a început atunci când Sebastian Thrun, un profesor de la Universitatea Stanford, a decis să predea nu doar studenţilor săi cursul „Introducere în Inteligenţa Artificială”, ci tuturor celor interesaţi, în mod gratuit online. Participanţii online urmau să aibă parte de aceeaşi educaţie, de aceleaşi teste şi de aceeaşi atenţie în acordarea notelor precum cei prezenţi în sala de curs. Iniţiativa sa a avut mult mai mult succes decât se aştepta: în primele ore, peste 5.000 de persoane s-au înscris pe site-ul dedicat cursului. „Până duminică seara, numărul crescuse la 10.000, iar luni dimineaţa a trebuit să particip la câteva şedinţe cu reprezentanţii universităţii, pe care nu-i informasem de iniţiativa mea”, a relatat Thrun ulterior.

În cele din urmă, la cursul de inteligenţă artificială s-au înscris peste 160.000 de studenţi din 190 de ţări. Thrun a descoperit că printre aceştia se numărau inclusiv persoane din Afghanistan, care călătoreau pe distanţe mari, prin zone periculoase, pentru a avea acces la Internet. 23.000 de studenţi au absolvit cursul, iar 248 au obţinut scoruri perfecte (performanţă pe care nu a reuşit-o niciunul dintre studenţii de la Stanford).

Thrun stabilise încă din 2011 că nu dorea prelungirea contractului său cu universitatea Stanford, care expira, deoarece urma să se dedice unui alt proiect în care joacă un rol important: ‘’Google Car”, în cadrul căruia Google şi-a propus să creeze o maşină capabilă să se conducă singură. Acesta nu a fost, însă, singurul proiect în care s-a implicat Thrun după ce a plecat de la Stanford. Impresionat de succesul neaşteptat al cursului online, profesorul Thrun a decis să cheltuiască 200.000 de dolari din economiile personale pentru a lansa o nouă platformă dedicată învăţământului online: Udacity. Thrun îşi propune ca Udacity să fie o instituţie de învăţământ superior de calitate, la care toată lumea să aibă acces gratuit. Udacity a lansat două cursuri deja disponibile publicului: unul în care studenţii vor învăţa de-a lungul a 8 luni cum să conceapă un motor de căutare şi altul în care vor învăţa să programeze un automobil care se conduce singur. Cursurile sunt deschise tuturor, nefiind nevoie de cunoştinţe anterioare pentru a participa. Thrun îşi doreşte ca Udacity să ofere în viitor numeroase alte cursuri de informatică. Sergey Brin, cofondator al Google, a încurajat proiectul, recomandând tuturor să participe la cursuri, deoarece „informatica îţi permite apoi să realizezi aproape orice”. Cursurile lui Thrun nu sunt structurate precum cele obişnuite. „Mi-am dat seama că notele reprezintă eşecul sistemului educaţional”, a afirmat Thrun. În sistemul educaţional actual, o persoană care ia o notă „de trecere” merge mai departe, deşi nu dovedeşte cunoaşterea materiei predate. „Când înveţi să mergi pe bicicletă şi nu-ţi iese, nu te opreşti din învăţat pentru a încerca să te apuci de ceva mai greu, cum ar fi mersul pe un un uniciclu”, explică Thrun. Astfel, Thrun a conceput platforma Udacity pentru a permite fiecărui student să înveţe în ritmul său, până stăpâneşte materia. Thrun are planuri măreţe, dezvăluite de manifestul publicat pe site-ul personal: „Sunt împotriva educaţiei accesibile doar celor mai buni 1% din studenţii lumii. Sunt împotriva educaţiei superioare ce costă zeci de mii de dolari. Sunt împotriva dezechilibrului pe care îl provoacă actualul sistem în lume. Doresc să îi ajut pe ceilalţi 99% să devină mai puternici. Doresc să democratizez educaţia. Educaţia ar trebui să fie gratuită, accesibilă tututor, oriunde şi oricând”.


The University of Potsdam, DFG Research Training Group on “Wicked Problems, Contested Administrations: Knowledge, Coordination, Strategy” (WIPCAD) call for Applications: Doctoral and Qualifying Fellowships in Public Administration

The Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Potsdam is calling for applications for its DFG Research Training Group on “Wicked Problems, Contested Administrations: Knowledge, Coordination, Strategy” (WIPCAD). The Research Training Group studies the interrelationships between “wicked” policy problems and the development of administrative organizations, including inter-organizational settings.

The research program is based on systematic interdisciplinary cooperation between political and administrative sciences, sociology and public management. It is underpinned by a qualification and gender equality concept that encourages junior scholars from both Germany and abroad to engage with neighboring disciplines; to ground their studies theoretically; to acquire the necessary research skills; to gain international experience; and to prepare them for future careers in academia and in the public sector.

Scholarship recipients will participate in seminars and develop their own dissertation and research agenda within the scope of the qualification program. The language of instruction is English. Proficiency in English is required.

Up to 8 Doctoral Fellowships:

Applicants must hold a Diploma or a Master’s degree in political and administrative sciences, sociology or public management. In exceptional cases, graduates with degrees from closely related fields may be considered.

Key selection criteria are the quality of the PhD proposal, its fit with the overall thematic agenda of the Research Training Group, its innovative potential and its likely contribution to the state of knowledge in public administration.

Doctoral fellows will receive a monthly scholarship of € 1365 for up to 36 months, contingent on successful completion of each year.

1 Qualifying Fellowship

We also provide one scholarship for a qualifying fellow for a one year period with a monthly scholarship of € 800. This fellowship is targeted at excellent BA students or students of German universities of applied sciences with clear academic potential.
Doctoral and qualifying fellowships will start October 1, 2012.

Applications should be submitted by March 30, 2012 via e-mail to

International students are strongly encouraged to apply. The Faculty strives to increase the share of women in the university and hence strongly encourages women to apply. Applicants with disabilities who are equally qualified will be favored. Applicants with alternative sources of funding are welcome.

Please consult the following website for further information prior to completing your application:

For any further inquiries please contact us via

The HHU Graduate School in Economics and its doctoral program are an initiative of the university’s economics group within the Faculty of Business and Economics. In our program, outstanding students holding a Master’s degree get intensive training in analytical methods and quantitative analysis which prepares them for successful research.

There are two major fields of research, industrial economics and competition policy or international economics and monetary economics. The duration of the program is three years with a possible extension for the completion of the dissertation. All teaching is in English.


Successful doctoral students will be awarded the doctoral degree of Heinrich Heine-University.

Tuition fees and stipends

There are no tuition fees. We offer up to six scholarships / research positions for the new intake in 2011.


Düsseldorf is the capital of North Rhine-Westphalia and centre of the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region. It is an important international business and financial centre and it is also known for its fashion and trade fairs. It enjoys a vibrant cultural and academic life. Düsseldorf is known for its academy of fine arts and the city has developed a reputation for being liberal and tolerant.


Admission requires a master degree, preferably in economics, business administration, mathematics, statistics, physics or engineering. There are no fixed rules on who will be admitted but the admission is highly competitive. Evidence of creativity and commitment to research will be taken into consideration.

There is only one intake per year, in October. The deadline for applications is 31 March 2012.


A major area in the economics department is industrial economics and competition policy. The professors at the newly founded Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE) actively pursue research in competition economics, using different methods (theory, empirical, experimental). Key issues are areas of traditional competition policy (anti-cartel policy, analysis of abusive behavior, vertical restraints and mergers), regulatory policy (network industries including telecom and energy), health economics, media economics and two-sided markets, and the long-run analysis of relevant institutions (e.g., cartel law, patents and property rights). The second central research area is applied international and monetary economics. Main issues in this research area are European Integration, monetary policy (especially in the Euro area), financial crises, stability and regulation of financial markets and financial intermediation.


The first year of the program comprises the rigorous study of the principles of economics and quantitative methods. Students have to take three core courses which constitute the basis for successful research. The Core fields are Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Econometrics. Students have to pass the three core fields with a minimum number of credits during the first year.Students can choose between two tracks: one consisting of industrial economics and competition policy, the other consisting of international and monetary economics. We expect students to pass the core courses with an average of “good” or better in order to promote success during the research stage. In rare situations, we allow for the approval of external courses as substitutes for our core courses.

In the second year, students will be allocated to their supervisors and begin to work on their first research paper. Also, they take elective courses to broaden and deepen their knowledge in specific areas of interest. Elective courses typically focus on selected research topics. In these topics courses, students become familiar with advanced techniques as well as current research trends. The courses will enable the PhD students to develop own research projects or apply insights from other fields to their own work. Some courses are delivered as short compact courses.

Students have to take at least three of these courses. These courses may be chosen in any combination, depending on the student’s personal research interests or in order to specialize in one of the following major areas:

  •     Competition Policy
  •     Industrial and Regulatory Economics
  •     Experimental Economics
  •     Monetary Economics
  •     International Economics

We expect the course work to be finished at the end of the second year. The doctoral thesis should be finished after about three years.

Research Phase

During the research phase, students primarily do their own research and write research papers. These papers eventually constitute the PhD dissertation. They participate in research seminars (the economics research seminar, and the brown bag seminar). In the research seminar, external speakers get students in touch with the forefront of research. The brown bag seminar provides a framework for the discussion of students’ own research. The table summarizes the structure of the program.


The programme offers scholarships up to three years, conditional on academic excellence and study performance and with an option for extensions. The financial assistance is up to 1250 Euro depending on whether your highest previous degree is a bachelor or master and on the family situation.
For the intake in 2012 we are able to offer up to six scholarships.

The following information is required for an application:

Application Form (please download and fill out the online-form)

. This entails your personal data, a short curiculum vitae, as well as short statements explaining your current goals, career plans, reasons for being interested in the PhD program in Economics, as well as discuss your study plans and your fields of interest. Your statements should be in English and not exceed the provided space.

Certificates and transcripts of grades

A transcript from each college or university is required. The degree certificate is not sufficient. The transcript should show courses, grades and degrees received, mentioning rank or distinction if applicable. A translation is required for any transcript in a language other than English or German. At this stage of the application process it is not necessary to notarize or apostil the translations. If you are accepted we need notarized translations. An apostille is not necessary. If you have not yet finished your current degree, please attach a preliminary grade report (again in English or German).

Letters of recommendation (please download and fill out the online-form)
Two letters of recommendation are required from faculty who are able to assess your academic ability and potential.

Please send your application files to:


General inquiries:

Gebäude 24.31
Universitätsstr. 1 
40225 Düsseldorf
Program co-ordinator:
Professor Dr. Hans-Theo Normann


Contact tel


SUNATI CU INCREDERE~ precizati ca ati fost informati de prof. Gabriel Teodorescu.




Te invitam sa participi la prezentarea proiectului SUCCESS, cofinantat din fonduri europene, prin intermediul Programului Operational Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane.

Daca nu esti  in aceasta situatie, dar cunosti o asemenea persoana, te rugam sa o informezi, deoarece acest proiect ii poate oferi  noi perspective pentru integrarea pe piata muncii.

Valoarea adaugata a proiectului este data de cursurile acreditate CNFPA: Manager de proiect si Expert Accesare Fonduri Structurale, sustinute de traineri cu o inalta tinuta profesionala, vizita de studiu in Italia, subventii individuale de 1500 RON si premii!

Pentru o prezentare detaliata, te invitam in fiecare joi, de la orele 17.00, la  sediul proiectului: Str. Teodor Mihali, Nr.53 (langa FSEGA), in cadrul Universitatii Dimitrie Cantemir, Facultatea de Stiinte Economice, et. 5, camera 502, Cluj Napoca.

Participa si pune-ti cariera in miscare cu Success, invatand sa accesezi fonduri europene!


Te asteptam cu drag,


Contact tel


CERN openlab Summer Students 2012
Data limită: 30 martie 2012
Ţara: Hungary; Romania
Sursa: []


Are you a B.Sc., M.Sc., or Ph.D. student interested in working on advanced IT projects and looking for a practical training period during the summer?

Programme: Summer Students
Staff Category: None (non staff programmes)
Number of posts: MULTIPLE
Closing Date: 30/03/2012
Job Reference: SUM-OPENLAB-2012

Role Description

During 8 weeks (June-September 2012 period), the CERN openlab summer students attend a series of IT lectures specially prepared for them. The students also have the opportunity to attend the CERN generic student programme lectures. Visits to the accelerators and experimental areas are part of the programme, as well as as a visit to another laboratory. A report on the work project carried out is to be handed in at the end of the student stay. For more information on the CERN openlab Student Programme, please visit

Required Documents

The application must be submitted by 30 March 2012 and the following documents should be attached to it: CV, Recommendation letter(s) by university supervisor(s), A motivation letter with an indication of the preferred area of work.

Incomplete applications will not be considered. The students are welcome to upload other relevant document(s) (e.g. academic records).

Possible dates of stay are listed here. For more information, please visit the CERN Generic Summer Student Info Page and CERN openlab Summer Student Programme Page (

Eligibility Conditions

B.Sc., M.Sc., or Ph.D. students in Computer Science or Physics, interested in working on advanced IT projects for two months during the period June-September 2012.

Students must have their own health and accident insurance.

Students are required to apply for the adhoc visa on their own (a letter of invitation will be sent to the selected students who will request one).

A good knowledge of English is mandatory; knowledge of French would be an advantage.

Deadline to submit applications and all required documents: 30 March 2012

What We Offer

A stipend of CHF 5000 sponsored by CERN and the CERN openlab industrial partners to cover travel, accommodation and living costs during the two-month stay.

Selection Procedure

Applications are considered by the CERN Openlab Summer Student Programme Comittee and by the future supervisors of the students. Confirmation of student placement will be made to the students by early May 2012

Post-doctoral position « Role of cytoskeletal proteins in the trafficking and inflammation of F508delCFTR protein, responsible for Cystic Fibrosis »

The post-doctoral position is currently available for 24 months in the team Canalopathies: cystic fibrosis and other diseases, of Research Center “Croissance et Signalisation”, INSERM U845, Faculté Necker, Paris, France.

Salary: 56 000€/year

vezi si

Studying abroad is the act of a student pursuing educational opportunities in another country.

Length of study can range from one week, usually during a domestic break, to an academic year, encompassing a couple academic terms, to an entire degree program that spans several years. The most common are semester long programs that cover either the spring or fall semester. There are also winter and summer semester programs. The winter semester programs, for public, 4-year universities, are usually more focused on a specific area of the countries culture due to the shortened time students have in the country.

Some students choose to study abroad to learn a language from native speakers. Others may take classes in their academic major in a place that allows them to expand their hands-on experience (e.g. someone who’s studying marine biology studying abroad in Jamaica or a student of sustainable development living and studying in a remote village in Senegal). Other students may study abroad in order to get a credential within the framework of a different educational system (e.g. a student who goes to the United States to study medicine), or a university student from Albania who goes to Germany to study mechanical engineering.

Before you opt for studying abroad; you need to take care of certain factors like:

  • Quality of education of the concerned country you are planning to travel.
  • Cost of living
  • Scholarship Programs
  • Course Fees

The following points are to be taken care of:

  • Consulting the study abroad advisor is a must as you get to know the different university programs you will be offered.
  • Taking help of the academic advisor will let you know the type of credit you can receive.
  • To ensure the facility of education loans for the students studying abroad, you need to take help of the financial advisor.
  • Apply for your passport and visa and make sure the type of Visa you require.
  • Do some homework and get a better picture of the country you are about to travel.
  • Apply for the travel insurance and make sure that it should cover migration and homecoming.
  • Chalk out a budget and find out how much will be the cost of living and what are things you cannot afford to do in that foreign land.

Study abroad programs have a spectrum of integration, from those that offer the greatest integration into host institutions to those offering the most assistance to students.

  1. Integrated – Complete (or nearly complete) integration into the host academic programming; the director is often a citizen of the host country; students take regular university courses with locals. Examples include interstudy.
  2. Peninsula – Mix of selected local resources and provider-managed resources. Some courses may only be available to program participants, others may be taught by local university faculty.
  3. Island – Strong support services enhance the local experience and give it context. This allows an overseas experience without diverging from the home school’s degree program.

Costs for a study abroad program include:

  • Health insurance
  • Living costs incurred during the program
  • Passport and visa fees
  • Round-trip transportation for the approved program
  • Tuition and fees for the program

Students who wish to study abroad fund their studies through a variety of sources, including gifts or loans from family, grants from their home governments, grants from host nations or host universities, scholarships and bank loans.

Financial aid for U.S. students who wish to study abroad may include a combination of scholarships, government student loans, and private student loans.

Autorităţile administraţiei publice locale în parteneriat cu furnizorii de educaţie şi formare vor putea înfiinţa centre comunitare de învăţare permanentă, potrivit unui proiect de metodologie al Ministerului Educaţiei, Cercetării, Tineretului şi Sportului.
Conform proiectului, unităţile şi instituţiile de învăţământ de sine stătător sau în parteneriat cu autorităţile locale şi alte instituţii şi organisme publice şi private (case de cultură, furnizori de formare continuă, parteneri sociali, organizaţii nonguvernamentale) pot organiza la nivel local centrul comunitar de învăţare permanentă, pe baza unor oferte de servicii educaţionale adaptate nevoilor specifice diferitelor grupuri-ţintă interesate.

„Înfiinţarea centrului comunitar de învăţare permanentă se face cu avizul conform al inspectoratului şcolar judeţean/al Municipiului Bucureşti. În cazul în care oferta cuprinde cursuri de iniţiere, calificare/recalificare, perfecţionare şi specializare profesională, înfiinţarea centrului comunitar de învăţare permamentă se face şi cu avizul conform al agenţiei judeţene pentru ocuparea forţei de muncă, respectiv a Municipiului Bucureşti”, precizează proiectul.

Organigrama centrului comunitar de învăţare permanentă va fi stabilită prin actul juridic de înfiinţare şi va acoperi minimum cinci arii de competenţă: management/coordonare, servicii educaţionale, servicii sociale, utilizarea noilor tehnologii de informare şi comunicare, administrativ-financiar. Centrul comunitar de învăţare permanentă va fi condus de un director/coordonator, numit de autoritatea publică locală în urma unui concurs organizat de aceasta şi va oferi o gamă variată de activităţi, adaptate la nevoile comunităţii.

Aceste activităţi vor corespunde mai multor funcţii: educaţie şi formare, informare, diseminare şi consiliere, dezvoltare personală şi comunitară, petrecerea timpului liber, coordonare şi creare de reţele (parteneriate cu organisme publice şi private, organizaţii neguvernamentale, sindicale şi patronale). „Activităţile organizate de centrele comunitare de învăţare permanentă nu înlocuiesc activităţile de educaţie din sistemul de învăţământ preuniversitar”, precizează proiectul.

Centrul comunitar de învăţare permanentă, care va fi acreditat şi evaluat periodic, va elibera documente care să valideze şi să certifice rezultatele educaţiei nonformale şi informale, dacă a fost autorizat în acest sens. În proiect se menţionează că activitatea centrului comunitar de învăţare permanentă se va finanţa prin fonduri publice şi private pe baza parteneriatului public-privat, prin finanţare şi cofinanţare din partea angajatorilor, a organizaţiilor nonguvernamentale, prin fonduri nerambursabile din programe europene şi prin contribuţia beneficiarilor, din contul de educaţie permanentă sau din alte surse. Toate veniturile proprii obţinute de centrul comunitar de învăţare permanentă vor rămâne la dispoziţia acestuia. AGERPRES