Archive for the ‘fizica computationala’ Category

Gabriel Teodorescu


технологии технологический прорыв мир земля 2012 декабрь коллаж

Unicitatea vieţii. Cine şi de ce a proiectat viaţa pe Terra?

18 aprilie 2013 11:03Vă supunem atenţiei un comentariu al cititorului nostru, domnul Gabriel Teodorescu, despre provenienţa vieţii pe Terra. „Nu suntem în centrul Universului, dar suntem în cea mai bună locaţie pentru ca viața complexă să apară și să înflorească pentru a observa ce este dincolo de noi”- Planeta privilegiată, Gonzalez și Richards, 2004.

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Turbulenţele atmosferice pot fi corelate cu undele gravitaţionale?

15 aprilie 2013 10:44

Oamenii de ştiinţă sunt tot mai preocupaţi de creşterea turbulenţelor zborurilor. Vă prezentăm pe această temă o analiză a cititorului nostru, domnul Gabriel Teodorescu.

The new training model of our solar system, may explain the smaller size of Mars. The „le grand track,” initiated by Kevin Walsh and Alessandro Morbidelli of the Côte d’Azur Observatory, and Sean Raymond at the Laboratory for Astrophysics in Bordeaux, now describes the condition of four, five billion years when the Earth is not yet formal, written Ciel & Space .

New model explains why Mars is about 10 times less massive than Earth. The scenario is based on an original idea, namely the migration of the giant planet Jupiter, the protoplanetary disk. Scientists believe Jupiter began to close behind with about 4.5 billion years the Sun and its gravitational influence of the planet caused the formation of compact ring. In less than 100,000 years would have reached the current position of Mars. Inside the ring were created terrestrial planets including Earth and Mars, it’s just that the „red planet” was formed at the edge of the ring in a less dense area. This is why the mass of Mars is about 10 times smaller than the Earth. Scientists have assumed that if the migration of Jupiter to the Sun took place at the same time, and Saturn began to approach the Sun. European researchers’ conclusion is that the formation of Mars and planets, is the result of complex interactions of gravitational type, with the disk of gas from the massive ring of Jupiter, but also because of its migration to the Sun. The proposed model consisting of two supermassive near and the distant planet from the Sun, is quite credible, it can explain other mysteries of the solar system: the asteroid belt and the origin of water on the Moon, the formation of planets Mercury, Venus and Earth.

Frederic Masset , a specialist in computational physics and planetary migration at the Institute of Sciences, UNAM Mexico, also shot a video of what happened modeling, billions of years ago in our solar system.

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According to the scenario it happened in less than 500,000 years, the new model can explain the formation of planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars together in a ring with a size of 1.5 AU (astronomical unit of approximately 150 million km).


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